Bicycle store RFID security system

The Arcus bicycle store security system has the following purpose:

  1. Provide an anti-theft measure for bikes stored at the facility.
  2. Provide hands-free entry/exit for cyclists to the Bicycle Store.

Whilst most security systems only require one tag to open a door, the Arcus bicycle store requires two tags (Bicycle and User) to open the main door.

The basic operation of the RFID system is as follows:

  • Tag packs are provided by Adilam with matching User and Bicycle Tags.
  • Once a pack is provided to a customer their details are entered into the system.
  • Each bicycle to be stored at the facility is fitted with RFID Bicycle Tag(s) either one or more tags can be placed on a bicycle, although to ensure readability under various circumstances the preference is for two tags.
  • Each bicycle owner is issued with RFID User Tag(s).
  • The User Tags will be logically linked to the Bicycle Tags issued to the same bicycle owner.

Bicycle Store Sample Layout

Event Report

The RFID System will:

  • Detect inbound User Tags approaching the Bicycle Store Entry/Exit door and open this door automatically
  • Detect outbound User Tags approaching the Bicycle Store Entry/Exit door and open this door automatically
  • Detect outbound Bicycle Tags approaching the Bicycle Store Entry/Exit door and raise an alarm to the Building Security System should none of the corresponding linked User Tag(s) be detected, (signalling either “possible theft in progress”, or “bicycle owner forgotten to carry User Tag”)
  • Detect inbound or outbound Bicycle Tags at any “pedestrian only” exit doors, and raise an alarm to the Building Security System. (signalling either “possible theft in progress”, or “bicycle owner bringing bicycle in or out via a disallowed route”)

RFID Detection points operate independently and have their application running on the RFID reader. They are not controlled by a central computer, but do send data to the Arcus cloud for reporting. This allows for a more robust system - if any reader stops working it will not affect the operation of other stations. The ability to have applications running directly on the RFID reader reduces the overall cost of deployment of the service.

Reporting is managed via the Arcus cloud, further reducing hardware and maintenance costs and allowing the reporting system to be accessible from many locations with password login.